Gianna Vargas
Shelter at Home


Press Release | Price List | TAG Artist Page

August 11—September 5, 2020

“It is with great pleasure that I dedicate the show “Shelter at Home” to an organization called A Sense of Home,” explains artist Gianna Vargas. “I first learned about ASOH through my neighbors and dear friends, the founders of ASOH, Georgie Smith and Melissa Goddard.”

In creating the paintings for this show, Vargas strove to create beautiful artwork that is both dynamic and optimistic. “I wanted the work to project an idea: though often changeable and unsettling, life can be beautiful and hopeful. I recognize the value of belonging and community and also that many people lack this opportunity. For foster youth aging out of their foster homes, being thrust into the world without a family can be depressing and daunting. ASOH supports foster youth as they transition into independent housing by transforming empty apartments into beautiful homes.”

How does one create a sense of home? Quality furnishings designed with care and beautiful art on the walls can impart prestige and a sense of worth to the individual who resides there. It says, “You are worth having wonderful things.”

My technique for these paintings was to use layer and abstraction to create amorphous organic shapes that draw in the viewer and allow them to escape into color. I used a variety of marks such as drips, brushstrokes, and line. I mostly let the paint do what it wanted with my gentle direction. The end result is work that is engaging and will leave the viewer with a sense of hope. I am so proud that this work will help to create a sense of home.

Thank you for viewing the work in the show and know that there are several ways you can participate further: Visit ASOH and make a donation/volunteer to do a home creation with them.

Buy a painting for your own home and know that 100% of net proceeds will be donated to ASOH. Purchase a painting for a future home creation. Both the painting and 100% net proceeds will go to ASOH.

For Inquiries or to schedule a private appointment please email:

Installation Images